Preventing Burnout for Health Equity Leaders (Webinar)

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On October 28th, we co-hosted “Preventing Burnout for Health Equity Leaders”, a workshop-style webinar with Bay Area Global Health Alliance member Circles International. This workshop was led by Eliza Ramos, MPH, CEO and founder of Circles International. We explored how leaders can recognize moral injury, cultivate resilience, and prevent burnout to sustain their impact for the long run.

Circles International envisions a world where the most vulnerable communities have access to the best healthcare professionals. But we also know that healthcare professionals serving underserved communities tend to work in resource-limited contexts and with populations with complicated needs. Healthcare providers may also experience first-hand the effects of structural oppression and the impact this has on patient populations and communities that we care deeply about.

Our profession puts us in a position to witness suffering, death, and the effects of unfair systems. This creates a high stress work environment, which can be further compounded when an organizational climate fails to adequately support its people. This day-to-day witnessing also makes us vulnerable ourselves: to overwork, to burnout, to losing sight of our purpose in the face of these realities. Circles International works to prevent burnout and cultivate resilience to sustain leaders and their teams in their work.